FYC Clinic 2020

Darrel Peck (Coach D) will lead the Finn clinic at the Fairhope Yacht Club March 25th through March 27th. Clinic is conveniently scheduled between Finn Midwinters in Sarasota, FL and Gulf Coast Championship in Fairhope, AL and will be priced at $150 per boat.  All USAFA members will get a 10% discount if registered before 15 February 2020.

Clinic registration

Contact Coach D if you have any questions. darrell.peck@gmail.com


Registered sailors:

  1. Hamish Nicol USA 688
  2. Joe Chinburg USA 303
  3. Keith Beverly USA 259
  4.  Simon van Wonderen CAN 27
  5.  Noel Miller USA 10
  6.  Mike Dorgan USA 8
  7. Scott Griffiths USA 1138
  8. Mike Entwistle USA 70
  9.  Peter Van Rossem CAN 276Great news for all the young folks out there who would like to try sailing Finn! USAFA will offer a free of charge clinic to all qualified athletes, that will take place at the Fairhope Yacht Club  25-27 March 2020. Clinic page: http://www.finnusa.org/fyc_clinic_2020/

    Please submit your resume to: secretary@finnusa.org and president@finnusa.org

    Resume should include the following:

    1. Name
    2. Age
    3. Sailing Experience

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Rodion Mazin